Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sell off you unused CRT monitor

I had my unused 13" CRT monitor (in good condition) sell off to a computer shop in Malim.

Instead of letting the unwanted CRT sitting at home, taking up some space, I decided to let it go and turn it into cash.

I got RM20.00 for this 10years old but still in good condition 13" CRT monitor.

Well, I am just glad that I recycle a monitor today, earned RM20.00, make up some extra space. Nothing else more ideal for this...

So, if you have unused monitor would like to recycle, go to this shop located in Malim. if you coming from Brother's roundabout, the shop is located on your right hand side.


Qi.Kidt said...

good initiative bro. recycle and save our earth.

Ruiten said...

sorry la bro, i still use tissue, i still eat meat la... dun say i so wai dai la...