Me shopping with Brandon @lowyat
We go Pavillion to look for the bag that ah dear wanted, she told me the bag look nice on the 1st time we go Pavillion, I roughly remember how it looks like. Imagine 2men shopping for bag in WOMEN'S department...shit... After sometime of searching in Tangs (cos the place suppose to be, changed liao) last i found. So I quickly buy it and heading to Low Yat to look for the phone.
The silver shinning bag...
After some survey, at last we got a bargain deal on Original SE S500i with RM945. (The shop call DMS). Would like to buy 2phones together-gether, but after some "keling-counting" I decided to buy only one phone. I am interested in W660i-AP set, its really cheap, RM600 only...too bad this DMS has no AP set for this model...too bad...
Then, we went back to Pavillion for free wrapping on the bag. I purposely put in the phone into the bag...So happy... I've completed all my more worries liao... So, brandon n i go window shopping at Pavillion...then we saw some nice x'mas decor and interesting idea on advertising from nike...they uses real ppl to advertise. The ppl is stilled and they rotate every 15min.
Christmas decor with caroling...@ Pavillion
A closer look...with caroling standing on the tree...
Nike ads...real ppl, real stuff...
Feel like wanna make them laugh...
I went home and re-open the present, just to tight a ribbon on the phone...hahaha...of cos, I dun have the patience to open the wrapping paper la...I ask jie to do it then I tight the red ribbon and pass back to jie...she re-wrap it...hahahah
Manatau, I went home give ah dear the present, she opens it, and tell me...the bag is not the one she wanted...OH SHIT! i bought the wrong one...
Tada...she opened but not she wanted one...
But nvm la...took photo 1st la...
So, I took a day off on tuesday went back KL, INportant things to settle...and oso change the bag lorrr...The bag ah dear wants is bigger a bit, gotto top-up $ for that one. No choice la...since ah dear loves she hardly like things so much one la...
2nd wrapping...
Wrapping with styles...
Tada...this time correct liao...
With 2 big ring....
See? How happy she is...
P/S: You must be thinking i've missed out the photo on the phone leh...Nope, i dun have cos I use it to take all the pictures above...tat's y u din see ma...
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