Monday, July 13, 2009

Jac's texas holdem'

Another recommended dish from Jac's kitchen.

Called Jac's texas holdem'

Well, the ingredient is simple, tomatoes, capsicum, onion, mushroom, ham.

Own made thousand island suace, mixture of mayonise and chilly sauce.

Again, put onto the tortilla slice. (Flies is optional, according to your own taste) This is how i place the ingredient.

Then, the cheese is a must. Add more if you like it much. Then, fold them up and use tooth pick to form the wrapping shape.

Put them in the oven, under 230 degree C, for 10min. The tortilla slice will become crunchy, the cheese will melt to perfection.

This is my another great masterpiece... I had the ingredient too much liao, make it won't fold in wrapping form. I suggest you to put lesser ingredient la. But no for the cheese! CHEESE is the more the merrier! Try it at home. Simple and nice! preparation and making time is less than 20min.


1sin said...

Put some PopCorn chicken....Very nice too...

Ruiten said...

hahhaha...thanks for the feedback! I still got some leftover, see whether i can buy some popcorn chicken during next grocery shopping.