Wednesday, November 10, 2010

DIY: Microwave not heating up

My mircowave is running but it is not heating up. Why? As usual, as a SinKaLan, i do some online search for solution or possible rootcause.

And i found... possible rootcause... the article says, you will hear a loud buzzing sound, ur tray is turning, fan is working, but the food isn't heating up at all. This could be due to malfunction of these 2 parts below.

1) Malfunction Diode.
2) Malfunction High Voltage Capacitor.

Hmmmm...That was easy, so, i continue to read and search for the parts replacement. I goto the brands website, its a malaysian company, so, i did not take much sweat to get their CS contact. Wrote them emails and provide them my microwave model, together with the parts brief description and photos.

Not awhile, they replied and they will send the parts to Melaka branch, all i need to do is collect from there. Well... the price for both item is less than RM30. This is cheap i think! if i were to send for electrician to repair, it may cause few hundreds.

Left: Diode
Right: High voltage capacitor

Above is the replacement. I am so eager to replace it. It took me 10min for the replacement. I continue to re-assemble back the casing and let it test to see whether it works or not.

Ah dear was scared the microwave might explode and ask me to test it outside... Ceh! look down on me... i told her, i just unplug few wire, take out the part, put back the same part from same manufacturing and put back the wire... how can it "bomb"?

I then proceed to test it. On the switch, no explosion, OK...wat next? put in a cup of water, heat it up for a minute and we shall see the results already.

I pressed "1", "0", "0"... on the panel...then start button. This means cook it for a minute.




the timer stops... after spinning for a minute.

I open the door and take out my cup and try to have a sip...

OMG!!!! (u guess it wrong...)

it din work out...niasing!!! Ah dear was laughing in the living room... WTF?!?!?! Dun give face to me. With very much disappointment, i went upstairs and online reading again.

Yuan Lai.... (原来...)

I have missed out the 3rd possible rootcause.. i.e the magnetron. YES, magnetron, not megatron in transformer, well, yeah, some ppl also call it transformer la... eh...not the one u imagine one la.

So, wat is the next step? i need to open up again, detach the part, order again lorrrr... i hope this will not cost me much la. pls pls pls...

Yeah, pls call me Mr. Singalingam...

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