My colleague HoSP was admitted to hospital last Friday, had an accident while on the way to work. Now he is in Intensive care unit (ICU). Still in coma condition, but there are some responce from him. Fingers, hand, leg, tongue movement. Doctor say this is sign showing good progress, means he is in waking up process.
I visited him today and saw his condition, well, is like wat doctor says... He is tough guy...can see he is putting up a good fight to wake up...way to go HoSP!
Allow you to sleep a lil' bit longer but faster wake up ya!
Be strong, be tough, ganbateh, HoSP!
May all the force be with you, may god's great power be with you!
Faster wake up, get well soon and we can play futsal again...
I promise, i won't call u "Hospital" anymore... (FYI: HoSP is short form of Hospital)
Lee Ching here..
Pray hard to Ho SP, hope you recover soon.
Latest updates, he has done another operation, very weak, suggested not to visit him, virus, bacteria, might endanger him.
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