Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My KK & Labuan Trip - Day 2


Day 2 in KK. Wake up so early, 6.30am, need to go mt. KK. The sky so bright nearly 8am in peninsula. I am the 1st one to wake up cos i'm the most mafan person, i take longer time than others.

After all of us kau tim, we officially on our way to mt. KK, around 7am+ we started our journey liao. Today is gonna be a full packed day!

We stop half way to buy some crabby and some kokokis (some kind of lala), for later bbq use. hehehe...

The crabby tide with string, ard 4~5pcs. Guess how much? RM15.00 nia, so cheap horrr! but the "gong" is so small, we choose those lose part one, at least "gong" is bigger. Also RM 15/kg nia. We bought 4pcs and one bundle of kokokis, RM10.00 only.

This is kokokis big horrrrr? After bought the so call seafood, we are hungry liao. We still haven't had our breakfast. Ah yaw said bring us go tuaran to eat tuaran local favourite noodle. Tuaran mee...sounds like tailan mee...hahahah! After 40min drive, we reach tuaran already. Ah yaw is unsure abt the shop cos he long time din come liao.

When we are there, we dunno which shop to go for but we ask ard and the local ppl recommend us to this shop. Dun care la...should be the same anyway. So, we took our seat, ordered 3 different type of tuaran mee.

  1. Wet noodle

  2. Fried noodle

  3. Samsu noodle (Yellow alcohol)

After eat full full liao, we proceed our itinery of the day. The 1st place to visit is famous "new zearand", this is the place where the imported australian cow do the milking here. They offer visitor a chance to do the milking and drink the fresh milk. We drove abt ~1hour to reach this place- Kundasang.

Cool breeze, green green grass, blue blue sky, white white cloud! Kundasang kill a lot of our "batteries"(we took a lot of photos here)

Then we visited Mesilau gate (2nd route to mt. KK peak)...the air here is cool, with the environment, you forget you are in Malaysia.

It cost RM300+/nite if staying the resort behind us, looks very english style villa with the nice environment. I really feel like staying a nite here but due to the price is out of our budget, we drop this idea aside... *sigh*

After spending an hour to cleanse our lungs (the air is too fresh!), we drove down to visit some vegetables selling stalls.

Leaf oso can become keropok meh?

Suddenly feel like taking hot shower in a cool cool environment. Mana-tau being cheated by ah yaw! we need to travel away from mesilau for some hot spring.

Nvm la, program still running as usual, nothing will spoilt our holiday. But half way, we saw an advertising stating rafflesia blooming, pls call XXX for more info. Quickly jammed break and do a 180 degree u-turn, call up the owner and he charge us RM10/person, to show us the rafflesia.

We hop onto his jeep an off we go...into the jungle, hunting for rafflesia! Yeah! Abt 5min on the bumpy road, we reach this owner's house. Then, we need to walk abt 5min into jungle to see it.

This is the lady boss. we follow here for jungle tracking, she walk damn fast and we are panting chasing her at the back...kekekeke...weak ones! According to lady boss, this land is belong to them and so lucky rafflesia so happened to bloom here. This place call Ranau.

Although it's small but we are satisfied cos u need to be lucky to see it... this rafflesia will died in the next 2days. We are so glad we get to see lucky! And yes, sometimes u need to pay to be lucky, ehehheeh!

See only, cannot touch one, tat's y u see got fencing.

Me posting with rafflesia.

Closer shot and the "cabbage" behind is the new one. But no sure is it going to survive or not. Talking abt rafflesia, we are wondering why its call rafflesia leh? Raffles is the one who found it? I tot Raffles is in Penang and Singapore? Anyway, I failed my history in SPM, so, WGAS on the name?

We then went to hot spring nearby to ease out our tiredness. The place called Poring hot spring- Ranau, with such name, must be boring lah...but i discover something different...something i did not experience b4. We have our bbq in the jungle using very less thing, for example, carcoal and candle nia...Ah yaw start the bbq fire with candles, so geng! Unfortunately, when we are abt to start the bbq, it started to rain... and imagine...bbq-ing outdoor + raining + less clothes + cold + wet... Sounds like a sakai which i feel excited abt, i never do this b4...damn cool wey!

Although the rain disturb our bbq fire...But dun worry, we have our own way, we start another fire pit under the roof...kekeke...We even use the banana leaf to cover the our bbq pit. What a joyful day, bbq-ing while having a nice hot spring bath.

The visitor is getting lesser and lesser as the the sky is getting darker, we start to worried cos we are in a we quickly finish up our crabby and tabao the leftover kokokis. There isn't much lighting here. We quickly take our shower and left the place and head for our serious dinner...hahhaha!

We simply eat here and there is special order from the team saying "pls dun order seafood anymore, scared high colestrol"! Well, bitter gourd + tofu + chicken +leftover kokokis should be fine kua...they finished up all the dishes anyway. We bring our leftover kokokis and ask the restaurant cook for us, what flavour? we let the chef to decide, end up not bad! Hou Yeah!

Then, I suggested vacation must drink beer b4 sleep ma...all agree from the floor. Ah yaw say beer here is damn cheap, he said "Sepuluh tigak"... I'm the 1st one doubt abt it, so damn cheap? We straight buy from this restaurant and guess wat? Really sepuluh tigak man!

So, happily we went back to kundasang where we rented a room. Bought some tit bits and play some card game.

Who got the smallest card must drink all the beer. We have one chance to add or substract the beer, depending on yourself. We only get to see others card but not our own, base on the judgement, u decide on the beer volume. Cool man!

That's me after few glass of "shit water"... How's my peanut earring? nice not?

Hui Ching got the full glass as all of us saw her card was the smallest and need not to worry...pour all the beer just for her! Kesian...

Everyone so fast fall asleep after this game...hahahaha...everyone was dreaming abt the beauty of mt. KK. Mt. KK is infront of us tomorrow morning, so near!

Stay tune for day3!

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